TA Code | Latin official term | English equivalent |
A08.0.00.000 |
Systema urinarium
Urinary system
A08.1.01.001 |
A08.1.01.002 |
Margo lateralis
Lateral border
A08.1.01.003 |
Margo medialis
Medial border
A08.1.01.004 |
Hilum renale
Hilum of kidney
A08.1.01.005 |
Sinus renalis
Renal sinus
A08.1.01.006 |
Facies anterior
Anterior surface
A08.1.01.007 |
Facies posterior
Posterior surface
A08.1.01.008 |
Extremitas superior; Polus superior
Superior pole; Superior extremity
A08.1.01.009 |
Extremitas inferior; Polus inferior
Inferior pole; Inferior extremity
A08.1.01.010 |
Fascia renalis
Renal fascia
A08.1.01.011 |
Corpus adiposum pararenale
Paranephric fat; Pararenal fat body
A08.1.01.012 |
Capsula adiposa
Perinephric fat; Perirenal fat capsule
A08.1.01.013 |
Capsula fibrosa
Fibrous capsule
A08.1.01.014 |
Lobi renales
Kidney lobes
↓ A08.1.01.015 |
Cortex renalis
Renal cortex
A08.1.01.016 |
Labyrinthus corticis
Cortical labyrinth
A08.1.01.017 |
Cortex corticis
Cortex corticis
A08.1.01.018 |
Radii medullares
Medullary rays
A08.1.01.019 |
Columnae renales
Renal columns
↓ A08.1.01.020 |
Medulla renalis
Renal medulla
A08.1.01.021 |
Zona externa
Outer zone
A08.1.01.022 |
Stria externa
Outer stripe
A08.1.01.023 |
Stria interna
Inner stripe
A08.1.01.024 |
Fasciculi vasculares
Vascular bundles
A08.1.01.025 |
Regio interfascicularis
Interbundle region
A08.1.01.026 |
Zona interna
Inner zone
A08.1.01.027 |
Papilla renalis
Renal papilla
A08.1.01.028 |
Crista renalis
Renal crest
A08.1.01.029 |
Pyramides renales
Renal pyramids
A08.1.01.030 |
Area cribrosa
Cribriform area
A08.1.01.031 |
Foramina papillaria
Openings of papillary ducts
A08.1.02.001 |
Segmenta renalia
Renal segments
A08.1.02.002 |
Segmentum superius
Superior segment
A08.1.02.003 |
Segmentum anterius superius
Anterior superior segment
A08.1.02.004 |
Segmentum anterius inferius
Anterior inferior segment
A08.1.02.005 |
Segmentum inferius
Inferior segment
A08.1.02.006 |
Segmentum posterius
Posterior segment
↓ A08.1.03.001 |
Arteriae intrarenales
Intrarenal arteries
A08.1.03.002 |
Aa. interlobares
Interlobar arteries
A08.1.03.003 |
Aa. arcuatae
Arcuate arteries
A08.1.03.004 |
Aa. corticales radiatae; Aa. interlobulares
Cortical radiate arteries; Interlobular arteries
A08.1.03.005 |
Arteriola glomerularis afferens
Afferent glomerular arteriole
A08.1.03.006 |
Arteriola glomerularis efferens
Efferent glomerular arteriole
A08.1.03.007 |
Aa. perforantes radiatae
Perforating radiate arteries
A08.1.03.008 |
Arteriolae rectae; Vasa recta
Vasa recta; Straight arterioles
A08.1.03.009 |
Rr. capsulares
Capsular branches
↓ A08.1.04.001 |
Venae intrarenales
Intrarenal veins
A08.1.04.002 |
Vv. interlobares
Interlobar veins
A08.1.04.003 |
Vv. arcuatae
Arcuate veins
A08.1.04.004 |
Vv. corticales radiatae; Vv. interlobulares
Cortical radiate veins; Interlobular veins
A08.1.04.005 |
Venulae rectae
Venulae rectae; Straight venules
A08.1.04.006 |
Vv. stellatae
Stellate veins
A08.1.05.001 |
Pelvis renalis
Renal pelvis
A08.1.05.002 |
Typus dendriticus
Branching type
A08.1.05.003 |
Calices renales majores
Major calices
A08.1.05.004 |
Calyx superior
Superior calyx
A08.1.05.005 |
Calyx medius
Middle calyx
A08.1.05.006 |
Calyx inferior
Inferior calyx
A08.1.05.007 |
Calices renales minores
Minor calices
A08.1.05.008 |
(Typus ampullaris)
(Ampullary type)
A08.1.05.009 |
Tunica adventitia
A08.1.05.010 |
Tunica muscularis
Muscular layer; Muscular coat
A08.1.05.011 |
Tunica mucosa
Mucosa; Mucous membrane
A08.2.01.001 |
A08.2.01.002 |
Pars abdominalis
Abdominal part
A08.2.01.003 |
Pars pelvica
Pelvic part
A08.2.01.004 |
Pars intramuralis
Intramural part
A08.2.01.005 |
Tunica adventitia
A08.2.01.006 |
Tunica muscularis
Muscular layer; Muscular coat
A08.2.01.007 |
Tunica mucosa
Mucosa; Mucous membrane
A08.3.01.001 |
A08.3.01.002 |
Apex vesicae
Apex of bladder
A08.3.01.003 |
Corpus vesicae
Body of bladder
A08.3.01.004 |
Fundus vesicae
Fundus of bladder
A08.3.01.005 |
Cervix vesicae; Collum vesicae
Neck of bladder
A08.3.01.006 |
Uvula vesicae
Uvula of bladder
A08.3.01.007 |
Lig. umbilicale medianum
Median umbilical ligament
A08.3.01.008 |
Tunica serosa
Serosa; Serous coat
A08.3.01.009 |
Tela subserosa
Subserosa; Subserous layer
A08.3.01.010 |
Tunica muscularis
Muscular layer; Muscular coat
A08.3.01.011 |
Mm. trigoni vesicae
Trigonal muscles
↓ A08.3.01.012 |
M. superficialis trigoni vesicae
Superficial trigone
↓ A08.3.01.013 |
M. profundus trigoni vesicae
Deep trigone
A08.3.01.014 |
M. detrusor vesicae
A08.3.01.015 |
Pars nonstratificata
Unstratified part
A08.3.01.016 |
Pars cervicis vesicae; Pars colli vesicae
Bladder neck part
A08.3.01.017 |
Stratum externum longitudinale
External longitudinal layer
A08.3.01.018 |
Stratum circulare
Circular layer
A08.3.01.019 |
Stratum internum longitudinale
Internal longitudinal layer
A08.3.01.020 |
M. pubovesicalis
A04.5.03.017 |
M. rectovesicalis
↓ A08.3.01.021 |
M. vesicoprostaticus ♂
Vesicoprostaticus ♂
A08.3.01.021 |
M. vesicovaginalis ♀
Vesicovaginalis ♀
A08.3.01.022 |
Tela submucosa
A08.3.01.023 |
Tunica mucosa
Mucosa; Mucous membrane
A08.3.01.024 |
Trigonum vesicae
Trigone of bladder
A08.3.01.025 |
Plica interureterica
Interureteric crest
A08.3.01.026 |
Ostium ureteris
Ureteric orifice
↓ A08.3.01.027 |
Ostium urethrae internum ♂
Internal urethral orifice; Internal urinary meatus ♂
↓ A08.3.01.028 |
Ostium urethrae internum ♀
Internal urethral orifice; Internal urinary meatus ♀
↓ A08.4.01.001 |
Urethra feminina ♀
Female urethra ♀
↓ A08.5.01.001 |
Urethra masculina ♂
Male urethra ♂
Entries: 103 | Notes: 17 | Date: 28.01.2013 |
♦ TA98 footnote | ♠ TA98 correction note | ♣ TA98 RAT note | ♥ TA98 redirection note |
♦ | A08.1.01.015 | cortex renalis The subdivisions of the renal cortex and the renal medulla follow the recommendations given by The Renal Commission of the International Union of Physiological Sciences (IUPS) 1988. "A Standard Nomenclature for Structures of the Kidney" Am J Physiol 254: F1-8, Pflugers Arch 411: 113-120, Kidney Int 33: 1-7 and Anat Embryol (Berlin) 178: N1-8. |
♦ | A08.1.01.020 | Medulla renalis The subdivisions of the renal cortex and the renal medulla follow the recommendations given by The Renal Commission of the International Union of Physiological Sciences (IUPS) 1988. "A Standard Nomenclature for Structures of the Kidney" Am J Physiol 254: F1-8, Pflugers Arch 411: 113-120, Kidney Int 33: 1-7 and Anat Embryol (Berlin) 178: N1-8. |
♦ | A08.1.03.001 | Arteriae intrarenales For further details regarding the nomenclature of renal blood vessels, see the publications mentioned above in A08.1.01.015. |
♠ | A08.1.03.001 | Arteriae intrarenales The two entries for this entity were made identical by using arteriae rather than the abbreviation Aa.. |
♠ | A08.1.03.001 | Arteriae intrarenales A typographical error in the published book (Thieme 1998) was corrected by replacing, in the footnote, the referenced TA code A07.1.01.015 with A08.1.01.015. |
♦ | A08.1.04.001 | Venae intrarenales For further details regarding the nomenclature of renal blood vessels, see the publications mentioned above in A08.1.01.015. |
♠ | A08.1.04.001 | Venae intrarenales The two entries for this entity were made identical by using venae rather than the abbreviation Vv.. |
♠ | A08.1.04.001 | Venae intrarenales A typographical error in the published book (Thieme 1998) was corrected by replacing, in the footnote, the referenced TA code A07.1.01.015 with A08.1.01.015. |
♣ | A08.3.01.012 | M. superficialis trigoni vesicae The original source term contains an inversion between a genitive complement and an adjective, which is not compatible with the rules of Regular Anatomical Terminology. |
♣ | A08.3.01.013 | M. profundus trigoni vesicae The original source term contains an inversion between a genitive complement and an adjective, which is not compatible with the rules of Regular Anatomical Terminology. |
♠ | A08.3.01.021 | M. vesicoprostaticus The two entries for this entity were made identical by using the male gender symbol in both entries. |
♦ | A08.3.01.027 | Ostium urethrae internum This term describes the opening of the urethra from the bladder. However, superimposed lateral cystograms and voiding cystourethrograms show that the ostium in the bladder that is filling differs from the ostium in the bladder that is voiding. The bladder around the ostium urethrae accipiens usually forms a flat disc or baseplate, the pars intramuralis urethrae (bladder neck) is closed and the urethra is at its longest. With the onset of voiding the baseplate becomes progressively funnel-shaped and the bladder neck opens and becomes incorporated into the funnel so that the bladder appears to descend and the urethra to shorten. The ostium urethrae internum evacuans then lies some 20% closer to the ostium urethrae externum in the female, and at the basis prostatae in the male. |
♠ | A08.3.01.027 | Ostium urethrae internum The two entries for this entity were made identical by adding the English synonym internal urinary meatus to the entry that did not already have it. |
♠ | A08.3.01.028 | Ostium urethrae internum In the published book (Thieme 1998), one entry, listed under urethra masculina in chapter 09 had a reference TA code (A08.3.01.028) that did not appear in the expected position in chapter 08. The missing entity in chapter 08, which has been restored, was the ostium internae of the urethra feminina, the female homologue of the ostium internae of the urethra masculina. Because both entities have the same name in Terminologia Anatomica, gender symbols were added to distinguish between the two entities. |
♦ | A08.3.01.028 | Ostium urethrae internum This term describes the opening of the urethra from the bladder. However, superimposed lateral cystograms and voiding cystourethrograms show that the ostium in the bladder that is filling differs from the ostium in the bladder that is voiding. The bladder around the ostium urethrae accipiens usually forms a flat disc or baseplate, the pars intramuralis urethrae (bladder neck) is closed and the urethra is at its longest. With the onset of voiding the baseplate becomes progressively funnel-shaped and the bladder neck opens and becomes incorporated into the funnel so that the bladder appears to descend and the urethra to shorten. The ostium urethrae internum evacuans then lies some 20% closer to the ostium urethrae externum in the female, and at the basis prostatae in the male. |
♥ | A08.4.01.001 | Urethra feminina See A09.2.03.000 urethra feminina and following entries for this entity and its parts. |
♥ | A08.5.01.001 | Urethra masculina See A09.4.02.001 urethra masculina and following entries for this entity and its parts. |